Your New Rainbow

When judgment of my unsavory characteristics crops up, I welcome my eclectic compilation of attributes with the same patience, understanding, and warmth as when helping a stubborn child figure out his or her options. Frustration transmutes to tranquility as I learn to love and accept all of me: both the parts I admire and the parts I don’t. Let your attributes bleed together without judgment, especially at times of tumult and grief.

Blending your light and your darkness in a way that creates self-worth is the art of living.

Your shadow and your shine coexist like decaying weeds among vibrant wildflowers, each one serves the whole. Witness your field of colorful emotions mix into a shade of gray; gray is the middle space where the opportunity for growth lies. It’s the color of both ash and of iron, the color of pain and strength.

We must be the ash to become the iron.

Some days you may feel like fuchsia or amethyst, chartreuse or teal, mellow yellow or sunshine. These are days when life patches together seamlessly: The sun is shining, birds are singing, nothing can stand in your way, you hit all green lights. Strong in your power and purpose, you offer the best of your love. Other days you may feel detached from Self; like midnight, charcoal, or crimson—it’s gloomy, not a birdsong within earshot, and nothing makes sense. You can’t get to the bottom of your emotions. Fearing your dazzling tones will never return, you are addled by the dark, and that’s okay.

You do not need to know why you feel the way you do.

Emotions meld together, and you are unable to define clear lines. Although unsettling, this is actually a felicitous time because you get to redefine the lines, redraw them exactly as you like. As the gray of grief fades and new lines are visible, you are left with no alternative but to seek new colors that extend far past the rainbow of emotions you once knew. Obliged to find new colors—attributes and emotions you could not ascertain before—you have room to grow and be whoever and whatever you want to be. Experimenting with your new palette, you can play, blend, and create unique, wild colors. You are free to become one or more colors whenever you feel moved to.

This new rainbow is an arch of freedom. You stand underneath it safe and protected, free to roam about your new Self no matter which colors show up or when they show up.

Trust that your bright colors will come back, regardless of how much time it takes. They may pool or run but the colors will never diffuse because you are the colorful palette; fuchsia, mellow yellow, crimson, ash, and most definitely, iron.

Amanda McKoy Flanagan

A native New Yorker turned Coloradan, Amanda McKoy Flanagan blends street smarts with tree hugging for a pragmatic, yet soulful, approach to loving and losing; she is no stranger to either. Co-founder of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Castle Rock Clubhouse, a recovery clubhouse that serves as meeting space for various twelve-step programs, Amanda is passionate about sobriety, meditation, and spirituality. Through her commitment to climate action, she holds the spirit of loving-kindness, faithful perseverance, and compassionate service in high regard. A lover of horses, drumming, running, vegan eating, and dancing, she also enjoys singing with abandon to loud rock music.

Amanda holds a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Albany in English and journalism and a master’s degree in social work from Stony Brook University, New York. Nevertheless, life has been her greatest teacher by far.

She lives in Castle Rock, Colorado, with her family and pup, Dolly.

Amanda is available for speaking engagements and to join you for book club. Please contact her at

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